The effects of the Tanykina Community Healthcare Plan re-design
The monitoring and evaluation results of the Tanykina Community Healthcare Plan showed three main issues in 2013.
- Apr 03, 2014
The monitoring and evaluation results of the Tanykina Community Healthcare Plan showed three main issues in 2013.
First, the target market of Tanykina members had almost been exhausted and as a result, enrolment was stagnant. Moreover, the insurance premium did not cover medical costs, and finally, there were high administration and marketing costs. This led to a re-design of the Health Plan, entailing the introduction of two new packages in May 2013. In these packages premium charges increased and eligibility was expanded from Tanykina dairy membership only, to the general population as well as to another area. Due to this expansion the Tanykina Community Healthcare Plan is now known as The Community Healthcare Plan (TCHP).
The effects of the re-design were positive, most importantly leading to the doubling of enrolment numbers within four months. In the ‘External Brief No 1. : TCHP re-design’ the PharmAccess Health Intelligence Unit sheds light on several research questions, including ‘Why did enrolment increase after program re-design?’ and ‘Which household characteristics are linked to package type choice?’ In addition, the brief also formulates several recommendations for further improvements to The Community Healthcare Plan.
TCHP is a joint initiative between Tanykina Dairy Plant Ltd., AAR and PharmAccess Foundation, and is supported by the Health Insurance Fund.
To read the brief ‘External Brief No 1. : TCHP re-design’ please click here.