Seminar: When markets fail; strategies for health, development and investment
Seminar focuses on new approaches to development and health.
- Oct 04, 2011
Seminar focuses on new approaches to development and health.
On October 7th the Amsterdam Institute of Global Health and Development (AIGHD) organizes a seminar on new approaches to development and health. The seminar is organised in cooperation with PharmAccess Foundation and Academic Medical Center (AMC).
The seminar will bring together international experts from academia, government, private sector and financing agencies active in emerging economies to discuss how donors, public policy and private partners can work together in addressing the prevailing market failures that inhibit economic and social development.
Speakers include Sweder van Wijnbergen, Joep Lange, Kees Storm, Onno Schellekens, Fola Laoye, Sjoerd van Keulen, Wilfred Griekspoor and Nanno Kleiterp (click here to view full list of speakers).
PharmAccess and partners shall be the main topic during the second part of the day. PharmAccess will serve as an example of this new approach.
Please be reminded that you are all invited.
Click here to download the whole program.
Date: 7 October, 2011
Time: 09.30-17.30hrs, registration: 08.45 – 09.30 a.m.
Place: ARTIS, Koningszaal, Plantage Middenlaan 41a-43 Amsterdam