Management Team
Supervisory Board

Prof. Khama Rogo (l), Nicole Spieker (r)
The Supervisory Board of Stichting PharmAccess Group Foundation supervises the Executive Board of Stichting PharmAccess Group Foundation in its role of Statutory Board for all underlying foundations, including Stichting PharmAccess International.
The members of the Supervisory Board are:
Prof. Khama Rogo - Chair of Supervisor Board
Prof. Khama Rogo has been Lead Health Sector Specialist at the World Bank, and Head of the World Bank Group’s Health Africa Initiative. Prof. Rogo, a highly respected specialist in Reproductive Health and Cancer, chairs Kenya’s National Tobacco Control Board and is a prominent advocate, activist, and global authority on women’s health. He is a Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and a prominent advocate and global authority on reproductive health issues. He is also the author of over 100 papers and book chapters and continues to inspire a large audience on the future of healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa. Prof. Rogo resides Sagam, West Kenya.
Kees Verbeek – Supervisory Board Member
Kees Verbeek has over 40 years of experience in commercial banking, credit, risk, and governance with a strong focus on emerging markets. Before joining Rabobank in 1998, he worked in Africa in both development aid as well as commercial roles, and ended his time at Rabobank as Chief Representative Officer in charge of their Kenyan operation. As an authorized side function, Verbeek served as a member of the Investment Committee of Veris Investments, an impact-oriented private equity firm focused on food security in Africa, among others. In 2021, he retired from Rabobank. Verbeek currently holds several board and investment committee positions all related to Africa.
Mirjam van Reisen – Supervisory Board Member
Mirjam van Reisen is Professor International Relations, Innovation and Care at Tilburg University and Professor of FAIR Data Science at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) at Leiden University. She is the Coordinator of the Virus Outbreak Data Network (VODAN) Africa implementation network, focused on improving health data analysis. Van Reisen is Research Leader of the Globalization, Accessibility, Innovation and Care (GAIC) network. She is the Director of the organization Europe External Policy Advisors in Brussels. She leads various research programs on the nexus of data science, globalization and migration.
Hans Docter – Supervisory Board Member
Hans Docter has a long and outstanding career as a Dutch civil servant. He was deputy head of mission of the Dutch embassy in Kenya, ambassador to Ghana, and the Director for Sustainable Economic Development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Most recently, Hans served as Dutch ambassador to Israel. During the Ebola crisis in West Africa in 2014, Hans was appointed special envoy by the Dutch government to lead the efforts to contain this pandemic. He also has broad experience and a genuine interest in strengthening healthcare systems, especially by involving and directly investing in the private sector. Currently Hans works for Invest International as country manager Vietnam and as the supply chain innovation lead for the Fair Wear Foundation in the Asia region.
Lidwin van Velden – Supervisory Board Member
Lidwin van Velden is the CEO of the Nederlandsche Waterschapsbank (NWB Bank). She is also the President of the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB). Furthermore, she serves on the Supervisory Board of Centraal Beheer Algemeen Pensioenfonds and is a member of the Impact Economy Foundation. She has built extensive experience in financial markets, sustainable finance, asset management and risk management. Before joining NWB Bank, Lidwin held various managerial positions at De Nederlandse Bank (DNB) within the Financial Markets and Supervision divisions.
Els Boerhof – Vice Chair and Supervisory Board Member
Els Boerhof is currently the Managing Partner and co-owner at the impact investment firm Goodwell Investment, providing risk capital and hands-on support to fast-growing businesses in emerging markets. In 2021 she was named one of the 50 women leading the sustainability in finance movement in The Netherlands by Dutch Magazine P+. She has a broad experience in investment and banking in emerging markets. Ms. Boerhof is a member of the Supervisory Board of Musoni System and was a member of the board of the Directors of the CreditAccess Asia N.V. and Women’s World Banking Ghana. She holds a master degree in Economics from the Tilburg University.