Country Offices Contact

PharmAccess has been granted ANBI status by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.

The Dutch abbreviation ANBI means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, or Public Benefit Organization. Institutions can only be qualified as a public benefit organization if at least 90% of their efforts are focused on the common good. In light of revised regulations, organizations with the ANBI status are required by law to publish the information mentioned below on their websites as per 1st of January 2014.

Name of the institution
Stichting PharmAccess International, a not-for-profit foundation established under the laws of the Netherlands, with its seat in Amsterdam, hereinafter referred to as PharmAccess or the Foundation. Abroad, the Foundation may also use the name of PharmAccess Foundation.

RSIN/fiscal number
PharmAccess’ RSIN number is 809681195. The Chamber of Commerce number is 34151082.

Contact details
AHTC, Tower C4 • Paasheuvelweg 25
1105 BP Amsterdam • The Netherlands
P.O. Box 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 210 3920 /

The PharmAccess Group is dedicated to making good healthcare accessible in Africa, contributing to healthier populations and social and economic development. This group of non-profit organizations has a shared goal, working towards achieving inclusive health care for Africa. Our integrated approach consists of complementary initiatives that aim to increase resources, efficiency and effectiveness within the healthcare system. By combining standards for quality improvement, loans for healthcare providers, health plans and in-depth impact research we simultaneously stimulate the demand for and supply of healthcare services. The expertise within the PharmAccess Group includes health plans and healthcare quality, financing and infrastructure. Our work also includes consultancy and HIV/AIDS corporate programs as well as healthcare innovations using mobile technology (mHealth).

Policy / Beleidsplan
The PharmAccess policy {“beleidsplan”} is included in the latest PharmAccess Annual Report.

Stichting PharmAccess International is managed by the Executive Board of Stichting PharmAccess Group Foundation, which in turn is supervised by the Supervisory Board of Stichting PharmAccess Group Foundation. The members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Stichting PharmAccess Group Foundation are:

Executive Board

  • Nicole Spieker
  • Jan Willem Marees

Supervisory Board

  • Prof. Khama Rogo, Chair
  • Els Boerhof
  • Peter van Rooijen
  • Lidwin van Velden
  • Mirjam van Reisen
  • Christiaan Rebergen
  • Kees Verbeek

Board and Supervisory Board members can be contacted via

Remuneration policy
The ‘DG-norm’ (also called ‘MFS II norm’) was introduced by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of 2009. According to this salary standard, the directors of organizations involved in development cooperation do not earn more than the basic salary earned by a Director-General (DG) at a Dutch Ministry. PharmAccess adheres to this norm, and is also compliant with the ‘VFI-norm’ and the ‘Wet Normering Topinkomens,’ formerly known as the ‘Balkenende-norm.’

Supervisory Board members are unpaid. They receive no remuneration or expense allowance. They do have the right to request compensation for costs incurred, such as travel expenses or telephone costs.

Report on recent activities
For an overview of our recent activities, please consult our Progress Report 2022.

Financial accountability
The Foundation’s financial resources may consist of subsidies, donations, bequests, assets acquired by testamentary disposition and any further revenues. The implementation of accounting and preparation of financial statements has been outsourced to Deloitte. The financial statements and explanatory notes are approved each year by the Supervisory Board. Click here to read the PharmAccess Annual Account of 2022.

Please find below the previous PharmAccess Annual Accounts:

Annual Account 2021
Annual Account 2020
Annual Account 2019
Annual Account 2018